Tento plugin bol odstránený 5. apríla 2022 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Odstránené natrvalo. Dôvod: Požiadavka autora.
Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.
I’m so disappointed that this plugin is going to be retired soon. It was such a great alternative to Contact Form 7 which is a PITA when it comes to formatting.
Anyway…I’ve really enjoyed using Caldera Forms and I will truly miss it. Yet another reason why I’ve been developing exclusively with the Avada theme (they have their own built-in forms, very similar to Caldera).
Used to be really good, not anymore. This plugin hasn’t been updated in a long time, no devs are responding on the support forum. You may want to look at alternatives.
It will not be continued into 2022. It’s sad they sold to NinjaForms, which I dislike for so many reasons. Wished they had looked for people who cared for it and wanted to keep it alive. But no, you must kill it for not reason. It’s really disappointing for all the endless hours I invested in it.
Caldera used to be the best but now we had to move many sites away from it because of all the errors (jquery, php, javascript). Caldera Forms doesn’t work anymore on any of my sites
Did not work with my site.
Want to change the message appearing on notify emails. Doesn’t take my changes. Email sending works but always with the predefined summary. After hours of Google search to solve the problem I will give it up and move forward to another form plugin.
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“Caldera Forms – More Than Contact Forms” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.