Companion Auto Update is a powerful and completely free plugin that allows you to manage all the updates on your WordPress site. Our aim is to give you the best control over these updates and stay in the know at all times.
We understand that you might not always be able to check if your WordPress site has any updates that need to be installed. Especially when you maintain multiple websites keeping them up-to-date can be a lot of work. This plugin can help you with that. We’ll keep your site up-to-date and keep you posted about what’s happening and notify you when we need your help with something.
If you have a feature suggestion or idea you’d like to see in the plugin, we’d love to hear about it! Suggest a Feature
Main features
- Auto-updating for plugins, themes, core and translation files
- Set at what time you wish to update
- Filter plugins and themes to not be updated
- E-mail notifications about old software, pending updates and completed updates
- An update log with all updates
- Option to delay automatic updates with an x number of days
Full control over everything
Full control, that’s what this plugin is all about. With this plugin you can enable (or disable) automatic updating for plugins, themes, WordPress core updates (both minor and major can be changed separately) and for translation files. Don’t want to run the updater for all plugins? Don’t worry, just disable auto updating for the plugins you’d like to skip and we can even notify you when there’s an update for these plugins so you can go and update them yourself.
By default we’ll check for updates twice a day but you can change this to several different options if you’d like. When choosing to update on a daily basis you can even select at what time you’d like it to run. Besides the updaters you can also schedule te notifications, want to update every hour but only recieve notifications once a day? No problem!
Sometimes developers will push an update that will cause errors on your site, they’ll often fix it within a day but if the updater has run in the mean time it can cause all kinds of issues. Now you can choose to delay updates with an x number of days to prevent this from happening.
Vedieť, čo sa deje
Chceme, aby ste vedeli, čo sa deje na vašom webe. Tento modul ponúka nastavenia pre rôzne emailové upozornenia. Keď je aktualizácia k dispozícii, keď je aktualizovaný doplnok alebo keď je aktualizovaný wordpress, môžeme vám poslať email
Ak o tom však nechcete dostávať emaily, môžete sa stále prihlásiť a zobraziť si zoznam zmien a zistiť, čo sa dialo.
Ako nainštalovať Companion Auto Update
Manuálna inštalácia
- Stiahnúť Companion Auto Update.
- Nahrajte adresár ‚Companion Auto Update‘ do adresára ‚/wp-content/plugins/‘.
- Na stránke Modulov aktivujte Companion Auto Update.
Cez WordPress
- Vyhľadajte „Companion Auto Update“.
- Kliknite pre inštaláciu.
- Aktivovať.
Nastavenia nájdete v ponuke Nástroje > Automatické aktualizácie
Časté otázky
Navštívte našu webovú stránku, kde nájdete najčastejšie otázky
Aké funkcie môžem očakávať v budúcnosti?
Vaša spätná väzba je to, čo urobilo tento modul tým, čím je a čím sa ešte len stane, takže s ňou neprestávajte! Ak chcete zistiť, aké funkcie ste navrhli a na ktorých pracujeme, prečítajte si náš blogový príspevok tu
What’s the difference between WordPress 5.5 and this plugin?
WordPress 5.5 was released recently and it packs tons of new features. One of those features is auto-updates for plugins and themes. Something Companion Auto Update does too.
So obviously, some of you wondered what the difference would be between the default WordPress method and the one offered by Companion Auto Update and I figured I’d quickly write a blog about it, explaining the differences.
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Companion Auto Update” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Companion Auto Update“ bol preložený do 17 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Preložiť „Companion Auto Update“ do vašho jazyka.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.
Zoznam zmien
3.9.2 (June 11, 2024)
- Fixed some more undefined variables
- Declared support for WP6.5
3.9.1 (March 8, 2024)
- Fixed: Undefined variable $totalNum
3.9.0 (February 2, 2024)
- Fixed: Fatal error during Cron
- Fixed: PHP deprecated error for PHP 8 and up
3.8.9 (January 9, 2024)
- Fixed error: Call to undefined function is_plugin_active()
3.8.8 (December 19, 2023)
- Fixed a few minor bugs
- Made some performance improvements
- We now require at least WordPress 5.3 (September 28, 2022)
- Tweak: Extended function_exists check with get_plugins() for the fatal error when trying to send update emails
3.8.7 (September 12, 2022)
- Fix: Fatal error when trying to send update emails
3.8.6 (August 11, 2022)
- Tweak: Code optimization for better performance
3.8.5 (March 17, 2022)
- New: Added more checks on the status page and added an explanation to some of them.
- New: Added an list of delayed updates on the status page to help with troubleshooting.
- Tweak: Made some improvements to the update delay feature.
- Tweak: Added a notice to explain that update delay does not work with WordPress update currently.
- Tweak: Improved code on the status page to be more reliable.
3.8.4 (February 2, 2022)
- Tweak: Fixed a few styling errors with WP5.9
3.8.3 (December 9, 2021)
- New: Plugin update e-mails now have an option to link to a few important pages
- Fix: Error: Undefined index: dbupdateemails
- Fix: Error: A non-numeric value encountered
3.8.2 (July 1, 2021)
- Fix: Error: Call to undefined function get_plugin_updates()
3.8.1 (June 4, 2021)
- New: Be notified when we need your help updating to a new database version Feature Request
- Tweak: Made some under the hood performance improvements
3.8.0 (January 14, 2021)
- New: Better handling of plugins with an unknown WP version
- New: More intervals for notifications
- Fix: Call to undefined function errors (November 2, 2020)
- Fix: Type in wp_next_scheduled
3.7.1 (October 30, 2020)
- Fix: PHP Warning: strtotime() expects parameter 2 to be integer, string given
3.7 (September 8, 2020)
- New: Delay updates with an x number of days
- New: Be notified of plugins that have not been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress.
- New: Choose to see more info in the emails (like the time at which the update happened)
- Fix: „Contact for support“ button will work again
- Fix: Fixed a few PHP errors
- Tweak: Made improvements to the „Fix it“ button for the „All automatic updates are disabled“ error.
- Tweak: You can now choose to ignore the „Search Engine Visibility“ and „Cronjobs“ warnings
- Tweak: Reports on the Site Health page will only show a summary and point to the status page for more information and possible fixes
- Tweak: Removed cronjob check and Search Engine Visibility check from site health
- Tweak: E-mails are now fully translatable
- Tweak: Renamed Core notifications to WordPress notifications
- Tweak: WordPress plugin and theme update notifications are now disabled
Taktiež: Skontrolujte, na ktorých funkciách pracujeme na našom blogu
3.6 (August 12, 2020)
- New: Added an „after core update“ hook More info
- New: Select which userroles can access settings. (Defaults to only administrators)
- Tweak: Added Theme and Core update method the log
- Tweak: Few WordPress 5.5 improvements
3.5.5 (August 5, 2020)
- Fix: Added better multisite support
- Tweak: We’ve added a bunch more checks to the status page and you can now see more passed checks.
- Support for WordPress 5.5 (June 20, 2020)
- Fix: Sometimes the hour settings for intervals wouldn’t show up
3.5.4 (June 19, 2020)
- New: See translations in the update log
- New: We’ve added a few checks to WordPress‘ Site Health page
- Fix: Error with Companion Auto Update Database Update
- Fix: Schedule interval duplicates
3.5.3 (June 5, 2020)
- New: We’re working on a better update log. You should see the Update method (Manual/Automatic) in the log now. (Only works for Plugins right now)
Please report any issues with this feature over at our sticky post: Problems with the Update method in the new update log? - Fix: Not able to see checks in boxes (reverted back to before it all went wrong)
- Fix: Error date_default_timezone_set(): Timezone ID +00:00 is invalid
- Tweak: The status tab will no longer show turned-off settings as an error
- Tweak: Made some improvements to the „Update pending“ emails, you can now see a list of all pending updates and go directly to the update page.
3.5.2 (April 1, 2020)
- Oprava: V zaškrtávacích poliach sa nezobrazovali krížiky
3.5.1 (March 25, 2020)
- Vylepšenie: Zdá sa, že sa vám páči nový hlavný panel, opravili sme niekoľko problémov týkajúcich sa responzivity dizajnu. Vylepšili sme aj ikony, aby boli trochu viac transparentnejšie.
- Vylepšenie: Pridali sme poznámky o vydaní do obyčajných textových e-mailov
- Vylepšenie: Opravenie niekoľkých preklepov
- Vylepšenie: Rôzne menšie bezpečnostné vylepšenia
3.5.0 (March 5, 2020)
- Novinka: Vo verzii 3.4.6 sme prešli na HTML e-maily namiesto obyčajného textu. V tejto verzii sa môžete rozhodnúť, ktorý formát chcete používať.
- Oprava: Vyriešili sme problém, pri ktorom sa občas nič neaktualizovalo
- Vylepšenie: V prípade chyby AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED došlo k niekoľkým vylepšeniam pre tlačidlo „Opraviť“
- Vylepšenie: Zmenili sme nástenku, presunuli stránku s nastaveniami aj stránku podpory na nástenku. Prosím dajte nám vedieť, či sa vám táto zmena páči alebo nie.
- Chyba: Museli sme (dočasne) deaktivovať filter tém, pretože spôsoboval problémy v niektorých inštaláciách. Budeme sa snažiť, aby znova fungoval v budúcej aktualizácii.