

Tento plugin bol odstránený 15. júla 2022 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Problém so zabezpečením.


15. októbra 2019
I love DWQA pro. Free makes for a slightly limited form, but the pro version has all the advanced features I could ever need, and three beautiful Q&A themes. All the other Q&A plugins look like a joke compared to this, and I have tried eight plugins. You can integrate with BuddyPress to make a social Q&A network, integrate with MYCRED to let users gain points and get on a leaderboard. You can edit the code to customize is even more, but there is a lot of options on the settings page. Thanks, DesignWall!
7. januára 2019
This plugin is very easy to use and has many features. We are using it with little bit customizing. Thank the team very much.
11. novembra 2018
Category shows empty questions – in WP admin category settings there are 4 of them The description of question textarea is probably sawed completely to differend field than WP is then rendering back to page. That means questions inserted through Web page frontend have empty areas. Questions inserted in WP admin have it correctly.. Da fuq is that!! my god 8 months people have this problem and still not solved??
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“DW Question & Answer” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„DW Question & Answer“ bol preložený do 14 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

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