Tento plugin bol odstránený 3. januára 2020 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Porušenie odporúčaní.
7. apríla 2019
Good program
23. januára 2019
In the last year this plugin has gone from being pretty good with the occasional hiccup to absolutely diabolical.
Support is non-existent, with no reply to numerous reports of problem.
– coupons are broken, and don’t handle % discounts correctly when VAT is into account. Detailed report provided but no response. So can’t use coupons internationally.
– orders often don’t include VAT when the order is outside of the UK, despite the rules being set up right (and having worked fine for years). For example, just received an order from a customer in Holland: no VAT added for absolutely no reason. It worked before.
– more subtle errors, not show stoppers, dutifully reported but ignored.
– WorldPay support no longer works for their current offering (installation key based, no longer API key)
I highly recommend you steer well clear of this plugin and chose something else. I’m going to migrate to another eCommerce offering now as it’s beyond a joke.
10. decembra 2018
Module pratique et bien fait
10. septembra 2018
I’ve had an issue with a corrupted file preventing updating which the support team have fixed promptly. They’ve also helped me update for the plugin to work with a custom theme.
Otherwise have found jigoshop great to use for my small business! Would highly recommend giving it a go!
11. júla 2018
21. júna 2018
1 reply
Jigoshop seriously frustrates me. I’ve used it for years, particularly after WooCommerce hired away their developers in 2011 and forked the Jigoshop code (not cool WooCommerce).
However, Jigoshop is not a stable platform. Everything will be fine and then a new update to the plugin comes out and the cart breaks. I’ve had this happen 4 times in the last 7 years. Four times may not sound like a lot but when you have to spend countless hours each time fixing and reconfiguring it becomes very frustrating.
This last major update to Jigoshop 2.0 took my cart down for the 5th and last time. I’ve since made the move to WooCommerce. Ethically I stood with Jigoshop, but I’m hoping with WooCommerce now being a part of the WordPress family that I’ll have a stable ecommerce environment.
Fingers crossed!
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