

Tento plugin bol odstránený 31. augusta 2021 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Problém so zabezpečením.


26. novembra 2020
Maybe if the community would send some donations – than the plugin author would make the necessarry updates to get rid of some minor errors in new php versions and also the latest wordpress realease. In the following file: \wp-content\plugins\qtranslate-x\qtranslate-frontend.php on line 523 you find “function qtranxf_postsFilter($posts, &$query) {” – remove the “&” from that line, so it should look like this: function qtranxf_postsFilter($posts,$query) { – othervise it shows some php warning, which do not make the plugin unusable. (you can also turn of php warnings in .htaccess)
2. novembra 2019
This translation plugin is still the most intelligent and fastest. Works perfectly with php 7.3 and nginx. Any string or text can be translated directly in backend or globally via po-mo. With „qTranslate slug“ you assign hand crafted clean multilingual urls. With „WooCommerce & qTranslate-X“ you translate woocommerce products, variations, product attributes etc. No messing around with multiple product stock management and clumsy syncronysing, it remains just one product, no matter how many languages. There’s a new fork called „qTranslate-XT“ on github. The folks there are integrating the aformentioned parts into one up-to-date plugin. I wish them (and to me) a successful modern integration … Thomas
16. januára 2019
don’t install this plugin, it will break your website’s database. ONCE INSTALLED IT CAN NEVER BE REMOVED, or it WILL break your site. it will require an extensive repair operation to get it back and running again, which for many small site is not worth the time.
17. októbra 2018 1 reply
Four or five years ago qTranslate broke with a WordPress update. Leaving me having to work with the mess in the RAW mode. Now once again just when I decided to give it another try with qTranslate X, it has broken again on the first WordPress update I did after install. The menu items do not translate, leaving me having to once again work in the RAW mode. If your plug-in breaks with a WordPress update, perhaps your developers should go play in another sandbox and leave the WP community alone.
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“qTranslate X” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„qTranslate X“ bol preložený do 11 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

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