Značka pluginu: backend
Admin Menu Slide
(1 celkové hodnotenie)Adds a feature to hide admin menu and make it slide when hovering on the edge of the screen.
Backend Startpage Customizer
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Redirect the user after login to a predetermined site in the backend.
Easily Integrate Google Analytics
(0 celkové hodnotenie)This plugin allows you to add Google Analytics of your wordpress blog by hooking into wp_head.
Materially Flat Admin Theme
(1 celkové hodnotenie)A theme that adds the material design look to your WordPress backend.
K – Previous/Next edit button
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Adding a previous or next button to navigate in edit post pages.
WolfOz taxonomy mbtree
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Tree view for metaboxes of taxonomies (products, publications, etc.)
Sortable Tag Count
(0 celkové hodnotenie)This plugin adds a sortable column is added to the admin overview of posts and pages. This contains the number of tags assigned in each case.
Admin Backend Color Coded Post Notes
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Allows administrators to leave color-coded notes on posts and pages within the editor, ensuring clear and organized communication.