Značka pluginu: nav menu
Ikony menu od ThemeIsle
(821 celkové hodnotenie)Vylepšite vaše navigačné menu peknými ikonami, jednoducho.
Menu Image, Icons made easy
(122 celkové hodnotenie)Adds an image or icon in the menu items. You can choose the position of the image (after, before, above, below) or even hide the menu item title.
User Menus – Nav Menu Visibility
(1 210 celkové hodnotenie)Show/hide menu items to logged in users, logged out users or specific user roles. Display logged in user details in menu. Add a logout link to menu.
Nav Menu Roles
(215 celkové hodnotenie)Hide custom menu items based on user roles. PLEASE READ THE FAQ IF YOU ARE NOT SEEING THE SETTINGS.
LuckyWP ACF Menu Field
(18 celkové hodnotenie)Add navigation menu field type to Advanced Custom Fields
Gecka Submenu
(16 celkové hodnotenie)Submenu autopopulates any nav menu page item with its children and allows to put menus, or portion of menus, anywhere in your site.
Easy Sidebar Menu Widget
(141 celkové hodnotenie)Add WordPress Dropdown Menu Widget easily! Upgrade your sidebar menus to responsive dropdown widget now!
Add Descendants As Submenu Items
(20 celkové hodnotenie)Automatically all of a nav menu item's descendants as submenu items. Designed for pages but will work with any hierarchical post type or taxonomy …
Privilege Menu
(7 celkové hodnotenie)This plugin allows you to display menu items based on if a user is logged in, logged out or based on the role you have given the user.
Bop Search Box Item Type For Nav Menus
(23 celkové hodnotenie)Adds search box as a choice of item in navigation menus admin area.
Bubble Menu – Sticky Navigation with Floating Button Menu Solution
(8 celkové hodnotenie)Effortlessly establish a custom floating button menu with Bubble Menu, an effective enhancement to multiply recognition of your digital space.
MAS Elementor
(0 celkové hodnotenie)MAS Elementor is a free plugin. It is the addon for Elementor Plugin
Multilevel Navigation Menu
(3 celkové hodnotenie)Multilevel Navigation Menu plugin ability to add a full-screen navigation menu to our website.
My Bootstrap Menu
(11 celkové hodnotenie)My Boostrap Menu is a fully customizable plugin that applies the Bootstrap formatting classes to any Wordpress Navigation Menu.
Dynamic Latest Post in Nav Menu
(3 celkové hodnotenie)Add the link to dynamic latest post page, and the Archive page to Nav Menu.
Custom Adminbar Menus
(9 celkové hodnotenie)This is a simple plugin for adding custom navigation menus to your WordPress Adminbar.
Material UI Menu Icons – Nifty Menu Options
(1 celkové hodnotenie)Adds beautiful icons to your WordPress menu items. More menu item options are coming soon!