Značka pluginu: twitter
WPDevelopers YouTube Share Buttons
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Plugin that automatically creates share buttons over YouTube embeds that appear on hover when viewed on desktop or display on play on mobile devices.
Twitter profile widget
(1 celkové hodnotenie)With 'WP Twitter profile' you can add a mini version of your twitter profile to your Wordpress site as a widget.
My Social Reach
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Activate the plugin, and it will automatically add social sharing buttons at the end of the post content automatically.
Ipanema Twitter Feed
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Add different kind of twitter feeds in your WordPress site!
FAT Editor Add On
(0 celkové hodnotenie)FAT Editor AddOn is a WordPress plugin which allows you create highlight text, text with twitter share, video embed (youtube and vimeo)
Easy Social Shares
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Zero configuration. Simply use shortcode [easy_social_shares].
Simple Social Images
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Automatically generate beautiful and branded social sharing images for posts.
(0 celkové hodnotenie)social sharing menu on every post with changeable design, size etc. Share posts to social sites.
Curator Studio – Twitter – Show tweets, mentions and more
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Curate Twitter content like never before.
Social Share for Devs
(0 celkové hodnotenie)A simple, lightweight plugin to add social share buttons to your website.
Ss share
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Super simple social share buttons plugin. Most popular social media platforms: facebook, twitter, reddit, linkedin, pinterest, tumblr.
Social Share & Like for WooCommerce
(0 celkové hodnotenie)This plugin will help you to tweet your products on twitter and share products on facebook
Dash Widget
(0 celkové hodnotenie)NEW: Embed your Facebook Feed! A lightweight WordPress plugin to showcase all your social media feeds. Embed your Facebook and Instagram feeds with fe …
Social Media Everywhere
(0 celkové hodnotenie)This amazing plugin fulfills all the necessary social media requirements for a WordPress website which eventually helps you to increase the count of y …
Zedna Twitter Quotes
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Share your quotes in the content and let user to share them on Twitter.
Feed Social Sidebar
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Display your social feeds from Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest inside a sidebar
WP Tweet Walls
(0 celkové hodnotenie)Easily create and add beautiful customized Tweets and Twitter walls to your site in a few simple steps.