TARS is the simplest way to make and put a chatbot on your website.
You can make complex and powerful automated conversations with TARS Bot Builder, in minutes.
Put them on your website and automatically start conversation with any visitor coming to your site.
- Login to your WordPress Admin (E.g. http://yourWordpressWebsite/wp-admin/). Select Plugins. Click on Add New option.
- Get new account from TARS.
- Copy the snippet code to ‚Settings > TARS Bot Widget‘.
Need help? Read Install Instructionsor Watch a short tutorial
Časté otázky
- Installation Instructions
- Login to your WordPress Admin (E.g. http://yourWordpressWebsite/wp-admin/). Select Plugins. Click on Add New option.
- Get new account from TARS.
- Copy the snippet code to ‚Settings > TARS Bot Widget‘.
Need help? Read Install Instructionsor Watch a short tutorial
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“TARS Bot Widget — Create Engaging Conversational Bots for your website and Generate Leads for your Business” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
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