Free Google ranking tool for your website. Download Wincher to get a grip of your SEO and rankings today!
- Až 10 kľúčových slov.
- Automatické návrhy kľúčových slov pri inštalácii.
- 7 dňová história hodnotenia.
- Overview graphs showing the average position, traffic and position distribution for your keywords.
- Ranking history graph for individual keywords.
- Table showing you the current position, volume, traffic and other relevant metrics for your keywords.
- E-mail notifications on drops and climbs.
Subscribe to Wincher to track unlimited keywords and access longer history
The free version of Wincher allows you to track up to ten different keywords and one website. Subscribing to Wincher and using Wincher.com enables you to track an unlimited number of keywords and access up to 5 years of history along with more functionality such as competitor tracking, keyword grouping, PDF and CSV reports and adding additional websites.
This section describes how to install and activate the plugin.
- Use the automatic plugin installer or download the files and put the wincher folder into /wp-content/plugins/.
- Aktivujte plugin cez položku „Pluginy“ v menu vo WordPress
- Visit the „Google Rankings“ option in the WordPress menu.
- Activate your Wincher plugin by entering your details.
- That’s it!
Časté otázky
How many keywords can I add?
You can add up to ten different keywords with the free WordPress plugin. If you need to track more keywords you can use Wincher.com
Koľko webových stránok môžem pridať?
The plugin will only track keywords for the site you installed the plugin on. You can however install the plugin on all your WordPress sites and connect it to the same Wincher account, but this is only possible for our paying subscribers. Users with multiple websites will probably have a better experience using Wincher.com
What search engines does Wincher support?
At the moment of writing we support 93 different Google search engines all around the world.
My Google result does not match Wincher’s result. What is wrong?
A couple of things can cause this difference. The most common reason is that Wincher collects ranking in incognito mode. This means that the particular search engine is not trying to give you a better result depending on your location or previous search queries. Another common reason is that Wincher collects ranking only once a day for each keyword and that rankings can change during the day.
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Wincher Rank Tracker” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Wincher Rank Tracker“ bol preložený do 3 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Preložiť „Wincher Rank Tracker“ do vašho jazyka.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.
Zoznam zmien
- Add a dismiss button to the activate Wincher notice.
- Fix plugin not working with tokens stored on version 3.0.4 while upgrading to 3.0.5, unless a reconnection is performed.
- Fix plugin dependencies conflicting with other plugins.
- Fix bug with incorrect coloring for change values.
- Fix bug with change arrow pointing in the wrong direction.
- Fix bug causing the plugin to sometimes crash after adding new keywords.
- Fix uninstalls.
- Update to new API.
- Update WordPress version compatibility.
- Update logo.
- Update WordPress version compatibility.
- Fix „Forgot password“ link.
- Make it possible to click on a keyword to view its ranking history.
- Fix potential compatibility problems for older browsers.
- Complete rewrite of plugin for WordPress 5 and new Wincher API.
- Changed API endpoint
- Fixed compatibility issues with wordpress 4.6
- Added support for assigning keywords to group in bulk.
- Added support for keyword grouping for PRO accounts.
- Bulk delete keyword function.
- Bug fixes regarding conflicts with other plugins.
- Fixed issue for blogs using https.
- Faster initial ranking update.
- First version.