Tento plugin bol odstránený 19. septembra 2024 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Problém so zabezpečením.
14. marca 2017
I purchased Pro primarily to upload multiple images at once because i liked the way the plugin functioned given what I was looking for in a gallery plugin.
However, the support is non-existent, the plugin is buggy when maintaining (adding/deleting) galleries, and better functionality can be found in other plugins without paying for the lack of support and issues.
8. februára 2017
Queensland SEO proudly use the WP Easy Gallery plugin on our website.
We don’t hesitate in recommending this WordPress gallery plugin as it is so simple and easy to setup and manage.
Many thanks from the team @ [Signature moderated]..
7. februára 2017
I cannot add any image to gallery. Is stupid.
7. februára 2017
pic by pic uploader? You are living into 1999 year?
and after upload 2 pics impossible to add its
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“WP Easy Gallery – WordPress Gallery Plugin” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
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