Gmail Mailer plugin connects your WordPress website to the Gmail SMTP server and send email using your Gmail account. It takes control of the wp_mail function and use Gmail SMTP instead.
Gmail Mailer Settings
- Gmail Username: Your Gmail account username.
- Gmail Password: Your Gmail account password.
- Type of Encryption: The encryption to be used when sending an email (TLS/SSL/No Encryption. TLS is recommended).
- SMTP Port: The port to be used when sending an email (587/465/25). If you choose TLS the port should be set to 587. For SSL use port 465 instead.
- From Email Address: The email address to be used as the From Address when sending an email.
- From Name: The name to be used as the From Name when sending an email.
Gmail Mailer Test Email
Once you have configured the settings you can send a test email to check the functionality of the plugin.
- To: Email address of the recipient.
- Subject: Subject of the email.
- Message: Email body.
For detailed setup instructions please visit the Gmail Mailer plugin page.
- Go to the Add New plugins screen in your WordPress Dashboard
- Click the upload tab
- Browse for the plugin file (wp-gmail-mailer.zip) on your computer
- Click „Install Now“ and then hit the activate button
Časté otázky
Can I send email from my website using this plugin?
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Gmail Mailer” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Gmail Mailer“ bol preložený do 1 jazyka. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
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Zoznam zmien
- Updated for WordPress 5.8.
- First commit