Tento plugin nebol testovaný s najnovšími 3 hlavnými vydaniami WordPress. Už nemusí byť udržiavaný alebo podporovaný a môže mať problémy s kompatibilitou pri použití s novšími verziami WordPress.

WP Nutrition Facts


Canada’s nutrition labelling regulations have been designed to provide a system for conveying information about the nutrient content of food in a standardized format, which allows for comparison among foods at the point of purchase. Clear, uniform information should support consumers in making informed food choices toward healthy eating goals.

Canadians need nutrition information to permit dietary management of chronic diseases of public health significance, and to help them make food choices that may reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

This plugin uses the CFIA Nutrition Labelling Regulations. For more information please visit www.inspection.gc.ca or your can visit en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nutrition_facts_label


  • Plugins overview custom post type page (create new label)
  • Edit post to add the shortcode.
  • Result of the shortcode.


  1. Upload the plugin wp-nutrition-facts files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the wp-nutrition-facts plugin through the ‚Plugins‘ menu in WordPress.
  3. Create a label in the new ‚Nutrition Facts‘ section of the admin.
  4. Include the shortcode [wpnf-label id=XXX] where you want a specific nutrition table to be displayed.

Časté otázky

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Prispievatelia a vývojári

“WP Nutrition Facts” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


Zoznam zmien


  • Bugs fixed


  • Bugs fixed
  • Add jquery.numeric to validate input


  • First Release