Tento plugin bol odstránený 17. júna 2020 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Problém so zabezpečením.
18. marca 2020
its stil work fine for me in 2020
29. augusta 2019
thank you so much
30. apríla 2019
Can you make a quiz that allows the user to input there own response such as a link?
3. februára 2019
I searched for 3 days to find a quiz that was reasonably priced. I found loads but none enabled me to set a quiz question where the user to put the answers in the correct sequence. WP-PRO-Quiz can do this and to my amazement is FREE!!
I just registered on workpres.org just so I could leave a 5* review. Its early days but if this plugin is not riddled with bugs I will donate something too.
Thanks Julius!
27. decembra 2018
Excelente plugin! é antigo e tem bastante tempo que não tem atualizações, mas é muito melhor do que outros plugins pagos e que não são tão completos quanto ele; até agora, no que tenho usado, funciona perfeitamente na Versão 5.0.2 do wordpress, porém para ficar melhor é bom desativar o editor Gutemberg no functions.php do tema que estiver usando no wordpress para voltar ao editor clássico.
/* desabilitar gutenberg */
add_filter(‚use_block_editor_for_post‘, ‚__return_false‘);
8. novembra 2018
Hi, I would like to suggest this: After a logged in user completed a test, he must have right to review it with the answer key again. Hope you guys will add it in update
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“Wp-Pro-Quiz” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Wp-Pro-Quiz“ bol preložený do 17 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
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