Tento plugin bol odstránený 11. marca 2020 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Dôvod: Porušenie odporúčaní.
23. decembra 2018
This plugin is the holiday season!!
29. januára 2018
I used this plugin during the winter, it is very interesting for its use: it allows to upload new images, and to change many parameters (number and speed of flakes). The result is really pretty.
In addition, with the conditional tags, you can choose on which type of content the flakes fall, eg on a specific page, or just on front-page.
It worked very well under WP 4.9. Please, keep this plugin in shape!
To help you, I will work on the French translation.
23. decembra 2017
Great job! Thank you!
See it on the site…
Merry Christmas!
20. decembra 2016
We love this plugin but we have had complaints that it is ironically freezing the website when turned on. So we have had to turn it off this year. As it hasn’t been updated in over a year I can only assume it has been abandoned and is not compatible with Wordpress anymore.
19. decembra 2016
Mi rating: 8
I like it!
I used it in the webs I develop.
Here is my review: http://wptester77.com/feliz-navidad-con-el-plugin-wp-super-snow/
Great job, guys! Greetings from Barcelona.
19. decembra 2016
It’s just not working on my site. Did not start at all.
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“WP Super Snow (Falling Snow, Customizable)” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
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