WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin offers backup, migration, and staging (create a staging site on a subdirectory to safely test WordPress, plugins, themes and website changes) as basic features.
WPvivid Backup & Migration for MainWP
WPvivid Backup & Migration for MainWP is now available to download.
WPvivid Backup & Migration for MainWP allows you to set up and control WPvivid Backup & Migration plugins for all child sites directly from your MainWP dashboard.
WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro is Now Available
- Prispôsobiť všetko na zálohovanie
- Vytvoriť testovacie webové stránky a preniesť ich na živú webovú stránku
- Prírastkové zálohy
- Šifrovanie záloh databázy
- Automatické zálohovanie jadra, tém a pluginov WordPress
- Zálohovanie viacerých stránok WordPress
- WordPress multisite staging
- Vytvoriť novú inštaláciu WP
- Advanced remote backups
- Rozšírené plány zálohovania
- Restore remote backups
- Migrate a site via remote storage
- Migrate a childsite (MU) to a single WordPress install
- White label WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro
- Control user access to WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro
- Viac úžasných funkcií
See a review video on WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro:
Get WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro
Základné vlastnosti
1. Jednoduché zálohovanie
Jednoducho vytvorte zálohu svojej webovej stránky WordPress. Môžete si vybrať zálohovanie celej webovej stránky (databáza+súbory), všetkých súborov alebo iba databázy.
2. Automatická migrácia
Naklonujte a migrujte svoju webovú stránku WordPress na novú doménu jediným kliknutím. WPvivid Backup Plugin podporuje migráciu stránok z prostredia vývojára na nový server, z prostredia vývojára do novej domény alebo zo živého servera na iný.
3. Vytvoriť testovaciu webovú stránku
Create a staging site on a subdirectory of your production site to safely test WordPress, plugins, themes and website changes. You can choose what to copy from the the live site to the staging site.
4. Plánované zálohovanie
Nastavte si plán automatického spúšťania záloh na vašej webovej stránke. Môžete nastaviť, aby sa zálohy spúšťali každých 12 hodín, denne, týždenne, raz za dva týždne, mesačne, a môžete si vybrať položky zálohy a miesto určenia.
5. Zálohovanie mimo lokality do vzdialeného úložiska
Pošlite svoje zálohy mimo pracoviska na vzdialené umiestnenie. WPvivid Backup Plugin podporuje popredných poskytovateľov cloudových úložísk: Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, DigitalOcean Spaces, FTP a SFTP.
6. Obnoviť jedným kliknutím
Obnovte svoju webovú stránku WordPress zo zálohy jediným kliknutím.
7. Podporované cloudové úložisko
WPvivid Backup & Migration plugin supports Dropbox, Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Amazon S3, DigitalOcean Spaces, SFTP, FTP. WPvivid Backup & Migration Pro also supports Wasabi, pCloud, Backblaze, WebDav and more.
Minimum Requirements to use WPvivid Backup & Migration plugin
- Kódovanie znakov UTF-8
- PHP verzia 5.3
- MySQL verzia 4.1
- WordPress 4.5
Install WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin
1.Go to your sites admin dashboard.
2.Navigate to Plugins Menu and search for WPvivid Backup & Migration.
3.Find WPvivid Backup & Migration and click Install Now.
4. Click Activate.
Časté otázky
What does WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin do?
Ako už názov napovedá, WPvivid Backup Plugin je bezplatný záložný plugin WP typu všetko v jednom, ktorý vám umožňuje jednoducho klonovať a migrovať WordPress webovú stránku do novej domény, vykonávať manuálne a plánované zálohy vašej webovej stránky WordPress, zálohovať do cloudového úložiska a obnovovať zálohy priamo z vašej nástenky webových stránok.
Does WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin also migrate my site? Is it a free feature?
Yes, WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin supports migration of a WordPress site.
Yes, the migration feature is completely free. -
Koľko možností cloudu podporuje WPvivid Backup Plugin? Je k nim voľný prístup?
Out of the box WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin supports Dropbox, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Microsoft OneDrive, DigitalOcean Spaces, FTP, and SFTP.
Yes, all the cloud access is free. -
Can I use WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin to restore my site?
Yes, you can use WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin to restore a WordPress site from a backup. With no limits, no strings attached.
Do you provide support for WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin? Where?
Yes, absolutely. Whenever you need help, start a thread on the support forum for WPvivid Backup & Migration Plugin, or contact us.
Máte nejaké úvodné príručky/dokumenty?
Áno, robíme. Tu sú návody na migráciu vašej lokality na nového hostiteľa, vytvorenie manuálnej zálohy, obnovenie lokality zo zálohy a ďalšie informácie nájdete na našej stránke dokumentov.
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid Backup & Migration” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid Backup & Migration“ bol preložený do 37 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Preložiť „Migration, Backup, Staging – WPvivid Backup & Migration“ do vašho jazyka.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.
Zoznam zmien
- Fixed: Backup status could not be properly caught on LocalWP sites with Nginx server.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Backups to SFTP would fail on sites of PHP 8.2.26-nmm1 and 8.3.14-nmm1.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added an option to include symlink folders in a backup.
- Fixed: Could not connect to SFTP on sites of PHP 8.2.26 and 8.3.14.
- Fixed: Quick Snapshot popup would appear upon each page loading.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.7.1.
- Fixed a warning that would appear with WordPress 6.7.0.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.7.0.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed: WP Cerber plugin was excluded from a backup by default.
- Fixed: Backups to GoogleDrive could fail with an error of ‚Will not follow more than 5 redirects‘ in some environments.
- Fixed some PHP warnings of ‚Return type of WPvivid_Google_Collection‘ that would appear in some environments.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed: Could not send email report when the address contain ‚-‚.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Uploading backups to OneDrive failed with a 401 error in some environments.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Updated: Autoload of WPvivid options is set to ‚No‘ by default.
- Fixed: Downloading backup files could fail in some environments.
- Fixed: Uploading backups to GoogleDrive could fail in some environments.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Restore would fail when a backup contained mu-plugins/wp-stack-cache.php.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Refined and optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.6.
- Added: Cloud storage tokens are now encrypted in the database.
- Added: lotties folder (if any) will be included in backups by default.
- Fixed: Domain could not be replaced during migration in some cases.
- Fixed: Adding Digital Ocean Space would fail in some cases.
- Fixed: Images added via ACF plugin would be scanned as unused.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Retention settings did not work for scheduled backups.
- Fixed: Scanning unused images would fail in some cases.
- Added a column to the backup list to show the backup size.
- Fixed: URLs could not be replaced during migration in some cases.
- Fixed: Adding SFTP remote storage could fail in some cases.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed: Scheduled database backups could fail in some cases.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.5.
- Fixed: Backups to OneDrive failed in some environments.
- Fixed some PHP warnings.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed some vulnerable code and optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: The option ‚Keep backups in local after uploading them to cloud‘ could not take effect.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.4.3.
- Fixed: Restore could fail when max_allowe_packet of the server is low.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.4.3.
- Fixed: Backup to SFTP would fail in some environments.
- Fixed: Backup to Google Drive would fail in some environments.
- Fixed: Creating a staging site would fail in some cases.
- Fixed: Some special characters would not display properly after website migration.
- Opravené niektoré chyby zabezpečenia v kóde pluginu.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Prefix of tables with foreign keys would not be replaced in a migration process.
- Fixed: Corrupted backups would not be detected in some environments.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added support for migration of sites without a database prefix.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Error logs would not be attached to backup email reports.
- Fixed: Uploading backups to OneDrive would fail in some environments.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with JetBackup plugin.
- Opravené niektoré chyby zabezpečenia v kóde pluginu.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.3.
- Fixed: restore would fail when a backup contained zero dates ‚0000-00-00‘.
- Fixed: Customized site icons and logos would be falsely scanned as unused.
- Added an option to exclude folders from unused image scan.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Excluded backup-migration and backups-dup-lite from a backup.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Database restoration would fail in some environments.
- Fixed: Staging creation would fail when the database contained the aiowps_debug_log table.
- Fixed a library conflict with the Skaut Google Drive Gallery plugin.
- Fixed some PHP warnings that appeared on sites with newer PHP versions.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Uploading backups to GoogleDrive failed because of an ‚invalid credential‘ error in some cases.
- Fixed: Backup email report did not display properly in Outlook emails.
- Fixed some PHP warnings that appeared on sites with newer PHP versions.
- Fixed: Non admin users could see the plugin menus in the top admin bar.
- Fixed: Locked backups would not be deleted by backup retention.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a library conflict with the ElementsKit plugin.
- Fixed a library conflict with the YaySMTP plugin.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added breakpoint resume for GoogleDrive, OneDrive and Dropbox upload.
- Optimized the process of uploading backups to cloud storage.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Upgraded the version of guzzlehttp/psr7 library in the plugin to 1.8.4.
- Fixed a bug of false positive backup failed email notifications.
- Fixed: Backup to Dropbox failed in some environments.
- Fixed a PHP warning of ‚WPvivid_S3Request‘.
- Fixed: some used images were falsely scanned as unused.
- Opravené niektoré chyby používateľského rozhrania.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Upgraded the backup and restore engine to improve the backup and restore success rate.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Opravené niektoré chyby používateľského rozhrania.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Backup failed when php_uname is disabled on the server.
- Fixed: ‚Quick Snapshot‘ did not work on non-wpvivid pages.
- Fixed some PHP warnings on PHP 8.2 sites.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed the compatibility issue with servers that have phpinfo() function disabled.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Optimized backup process on Litespeed web server.
- Staging error logs were not included in the Debug zip.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.1.1.
- Fixed: All target pages except for home page showed 404 error in some cases after migration.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 6.1.
- Added an option to create quick database snapshots.
- Added a check for siteurl and home in a restore process.
- Fixed: Some used images were falsely scanned as unused.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code and optimized the plugin code.
- Updated: Transferred files will be deleted automatically when auto migration fails.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added a check to the integrity of uploaded backups.
- Fixed a vulnerability in the plugin code.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Page styling got lost after importing the page in some cases.
- Fixed: Some used images were falsely scanned as unused.
- Opravené niektoré chyby používateľského rozhrania.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code and optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed some i18n issues in the plugin code.
- Updated: Last backup time will be updated once the backup schedule is triggered.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Opravené niektoré chyby v kóde pluginu a používateľskom rozhraní.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 6.0.
- Vylepšená funkcia nahrávania. Teraz, keď nahrávanie zip (časti) zlyhalo, budete okamžite informovaní a môžete pokračovať v nahrávaní problematického zipu namiesto opätovného nahrávania všetkých zipov.
- Pridané: Poverenia cloudového úložiska v databáze sú teraz šifrované.
- Zmenené: Prihlasovacie údaje cloudového úložiska sa nezobrazujú na stránke úprav úložiska.
- Opravené: Pri vytváraní novej inštalácie sa v niektorých prípadoch nekopírovali vybrané témy.
- Opravená chyba wpvivid_request, ktorá sa mohla objaviť v niektorých prípadoch pri skenovaní nepoužívaných obrázkov.
- Opravené: niektoré použité obrázky boli nesprávne naskenované ako nepoužité.
- Optimalizovaný kód pluginu na zníženie spotreby servera.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Fixed the warning: Undefined array key „page“ when editing pages in some cases.
- Opravené: Vytvorenie novej inštalácie zlyhalo, keď je povolený plugin Elementor.
- Opravené niektoré chyby zabezpečenia v kóde pluginu.
- Opravené niektoré chyby používateľského rozhrania.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Opravené: V niektorých prostrediach sa po obnovení neobjavilo žiadne upozornenie.
- Fixed some vulnerabilities in the plugin code.
- Fixed: Backup information of live site would be copied to the staging site when creating a staging site.
- Changed staging site creation time to local time.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 5.9.2.
- Updated: For security reasons, adding Google Drive, Dropbox, OneDrive now needs to get authentication first.
- Updated: Changed time in a log file to local time.
- Fixed the curl 60 error that could appear when backing up to Google Drive in some cases.
- Fixed: Disabling backup splitting did not take effect on PHP 8 sites.
- Opravené: Nahrávanie záloh do Dropboxu v niektorých prípadoch zlyhalo.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Opravené: V niektorých prípadoch zlyhalo nahrávanie záloh do Dropboxu.
- Updated: Changed timezone in email report title to local time.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Opravené: Súbor object-cache.php a súbory ochrany generované aplikáciou Wordfence neboli počas obnovy vylúčené.
- Opravené: Niektoré použité obrázky boli nesprávne označené ako nepoužité.
- Added creation time for a staging site.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Opravená chyba priečinka Dropbox.
- Opravený konflikt medzi nepoužívaným čističom obrázkov a niektorými témami.
- Opravený problém, niektoré použité obrázky v Elementore boli identifikované ako nepoužité.
- Opravené: Sťahovanie zálohy v niektorých prípadoch zlyhalo.
- Added a check to Nginx server when creating a staging site.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Some WPvivid Backup Plugin settings were reset to default after restore.
- Opravené: Niektoré adresy URL nebolo možné nahradiť kvôli problémom s únikovým formátom po obnovení.
- Opravené: Nepoužitý obrázok nebolo možné skenovať v PHP 8.
- Fixed: Staging site admin url did not display correctly when the live site has a ‚custom login url‘.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Opravené: V niektorých prípadoch sa nepodarilo obnoviť token Dropbox.
- Fixed: Custom menu style could not be properly migrated in some cases.
- Optimalizovaný proces vytvárania testovacej stránky.
- Pridaná možnosť pokračovať v úlohe vytvárania testovacej stránky, keď bola prerušená.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Pridaná podpora pre nové API Dropboxu.
- Opravené: niektoré obrázky používané v Elementore budú naskenované ako „nepoužité“.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added a check to the permissions of the staging folder before creating a staging site.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 5.8.1.
- Added support for migration of unconventional save of the media paths.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Failed to back up files of 0 KB in PHP 8 environment.
- Changed: The information of backup folder name will not be included when you export the plugin settings.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed the PHP Guzzle library support compatibility issue which could cause backup failure in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a fatal error with the last update.
- Added a new feature of creating a staging site.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Some used images would show up in the image cleaner results in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 5.8.
- Fixed: Creating tables failed when restoring the database in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Pridaná podpora pre PHP 8.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a SQL injection vulnerability.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code and optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a fatal error occurred during website transfer in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Pridané: Po vytvorení zálohy plugin skontroluje, či je zip v poriadku, a vyzve vás, ak je poškodený.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 5.7.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Úspešne testované s WordPress 5.6.1.
- Fixed: A 404 error would returned when sending a request to wp-cron.php in some multilingual websites.
- Opravené: Nedalo sa otáčať stránky v zozname záloh.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Redesigned the Download section for better UX.
- Fixed the insufficient permission error that occurred when authenticating FTP in some cases.
- Fixed the incorrect credential error that occurred when authenticating SFTP in some cases.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.6.
- Added support for Amazon S3 South Africa region.
- Fixed: Folder would not be backed up when it’s name matches regex: ^uploads.*$.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.5.3.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Some special characters in database could not be restored properly.
- Fixed: Only 1000 backups stored on Amazon S3 could be displayed.
- Fixed: Unused image cleaner also isolated images used in CSS files.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.5.1.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- New feature Added: Find and clean unused images in your WP media library.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.5.
- Fixed: Refreshing Google Drive token failed in some cases.
- Optimized migration process.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added Bulgarian language translation.
- Fixed a fatal error occurred during website transfer in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added an option in the plugin settings to delete the WPvivid directory when deleting the plugin.
- Added Italian language translation.
- Optimized the plugin UI.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Fixed: Backup schedules failed in some cases.
- Excluded the session_mm_cgi-fcgi file when creating a backup.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Excluded the /wphb-cache directory when creating a backup.
- Fixed: Root directory is now forbidden to set to ‚/‘ when connecting to a FTP server.
- Fixed the pagination issue in the process of exporting pages.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.4.
- Added a new language template for translators.
- Changed the time in the name of the backup zip to the sites local time.
- Changed the time showed in the backup list and log list to the sites local time.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Added an option to overwrite existing pages in an import.
- Fixed: Could not retrieve posts list on a multilingual site in an export.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code and optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed a bug occurred when connecting with remote storage in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin UI.
- Fixed the PHP 7.4 compatibility issue.
- Fixed: Backing up upload directory failed in some cases.
- Fixed: Backup filenames did not match the downloads part numbers.
- Updated the API for WPvivid Backup for MainWP extension.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Fixed:Replacing domain failed after migrating on servers using innodb database engine.
- Fixed: Compressed packages were lost in some cases.
- Added a column to the backup list to display backup content type.
- Temporarily removed translation files.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Updated the plugin code for WPvivid Backup for MainWP extension.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.3.2.
- Fixed: Backup could fail when the split file size was set to 0 MB in the shared hosting optimization mode.
- Fixed some small bugs in the plugin code.
- Optimized the process of restoring large amounts of data.
- Optimized the split backup file size to bring it closer to the value you set.
- Added Japanese language translation.
- Added an option to select database accessing method for a backup or restore process.
- Optimized plugin code and set the autoload attribute to no.
- Improved the success rate of backing up the uploads folder when the optimization mode for web hosting/shared hosting is enabled.
- Fixed some bugs in plugin code.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.3.
- Fixed: Locked backups were deleted automatically.
- Changed: Backups will now be split every 200MB by default.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- New feature Added: Export and import posts or pages with images in bulk.
- Fixed: URL replacement failures after website migration in some cases.
- Fixed: Too many resumption attempts error that occurred when uploading backups in some cases.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Fixed a fatal error that could be triggered by some firewall or security plugins.
- Refined and simplified the plugin menu in admin menu and top admin bar.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added Polish language translation.
- Optimized the plugin’s UI.
- Added a new tab for downloading WPvivid Backup for MainWP.
- Fixed: Could not restore websites in some cases.
- Fixed: The setting of PHP version that had been changed in .htaccess was lost after restoration.
- Added an option to merge all backup files into a package when a backup completes. This can increase backup and migration success rate in a website with insufficient server resources.
- Upgraded: Amazon S3 and DigitalOcean Space have upgraded their connection methods, so you will need to delete the previous connections and re-add your Amazon S3/DigtalOcean Space accounts to make sure the connections work.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed some bugs in the plugin code.
- Fixed: Could not restore files to proper directories if one had customized the sites file structure.
- Fixed: The page could not properly display when one chose Remote Storage option from the admin sidebar menu.
- Optimized backup process, now it saves more disk space.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added an option to hide the plugin menu on the top admin bar.
- Fixed: Always sent email notifications even the Only send an email notification when a backup fails option was selected.
- Fixed: The plugin menu on the top admin bar is visible to all users.
- Refined some error messages.
- Fixed: Backup created in web hosting/shared hosting optimization mode was incomplete in some cases.
- Fixed: Backup actually failed but was reported as a success in some cases.
- Refined error messages of migration process.
- Added a notice to the situation where backup schedules were unusable because the WP Cron on the server was disabled.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Fixed: Special data in some database tables could not be replaced during a restore, which would cause failure of the restore.
- Fixed: Migration between sites that have different backup storage directories would fail.
- Fixed: The error establishing database connection occurred in some cases while loading the plugin page.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added an advanced section in settings page.
- Optimized the layout of settings page and display of some settings.
- Added an option of enabling optimization mode for web hosting/shared hosting in advanced settings.
- Added a memory_limit option in advanced settings.
- Added a chunk size option in advanced settings.
- Added an option to cancel a running migration.
- Provided the WPDB as the interface with the database for the sites missing PDO_MYSQL.
- Fixed a timeout error occurred in some cases during backup process.
- Optimized the plugin code.
- Added a php memory limit option to settings, you can use it to temporarily increase php memory limit when encountering a memory exhausted error in backup process.
- Fixed: Backup does not exist error that occurred in some cases when downloading the backup to local.
- Fixed: Backup error that occurred when the wp-content/plugins folder on a web server was moved or renamed.
- Fixed: Restore error that occurred in some cases when restoring a backup to a different domain.
- Enhanced the clean backup cache option in settings.
- Optimized backup process.
- Optimized migration process, improved compatibility for migration. Old keys will be expired after you update to the new version.
- Added an option to retry the backup operation when encountering a timeout error.
- Added an option to hide settings in admin menu.
- Changed the plugin icon showing in admin menu.
- Included more info in the error log when sending to support.
- Improved compatibility with some hosting like GoDaddy.
- Optimized the cache directory in backup process.
- Fixed errors occurred in some cases during the authentication process with Google Drive, Dropbox, Microsoft OneDrive.
- Optimized plugin code.
- Added a sole tab for backup schedules.
- Refined descriptions in the UI.
- Fixed a few UI bugs.
- Successfully tested with WordPress 5.2.
- Fixed a fatal error occurred during website transfer.
- Fixed: Scheduled backups failed to run as configured after the last update.
- Improved the Restore UI.
- Refined some descriptions in the UI.
- Added free website transfer feature. We highly recommend all our users to update.
- Added backup upload feature. Now you can upload a backup to restore or transfer.
- Fixed: Sometimes could not correctly determine database privileges when backing up.
- Added an ‚Send Debug Information to Us‘ button in Website Info page.
- Improved the compatibility with PHP v5.3 to v5.5.
- Fixed the compatibility issue with MainWP plugin.
- Fixed: Could not correctly calculate files size when backing up.
- Fixed: Could not back up to SFTP server sometimes.
- Fixed: Database backup failure because of insufficient privileges.
- Enriched backup logs with more details.
- Refined some descriptions on user interface.
- Optimalizovaný kód pluginu.
- Added support for DigitalOcean Spaces.
- Added an HTML email template to backup reports.
- Fixed: Some icons were missing in UI.
- Fixed a packaging error which might cause the failure of activating the plugin.
- Added support for Google Drive, Micosoft OneDrive, Dropbox cloud storage.
- Fixed: Could not restore a backup from cloud storage.
- Optimalizovaný kód pluginu.
- Fixed data type errors caused by the last update. The errors would cause the failure of running of scheduled backup tasks. We highly recommend you upgrade.
- Fixed a bug where the last backup information was not displayed in backup schedule list.
- Changed a few error messages that appear during the backup process.
- Optimalizovaný kód pluginu.
- Optimalizovaný kód pluginu.
- A more lightweight Amazon S3 library has been used, so that you do not need to fill in Region field while configuring a S3 storage account.
- Prepracované popisy v používateľskom rozhraní.
- Fixed a few UI bugs.
- Fixed a bug where backups were runnable in some cases during the process of a restoration.
- Pridaná podpora pre responzívny dizajn. Teraz je plugin kompatibilný so smartfónmi, tabletmi a PC.
- Opravené niektoré chyby používateľského rozhrania.
- Opravené niektoré chyby zobrazenia v používateľskom rozhraní.
- Opravená chyba, kedy nebolo možné vo výnimočných prípadoch dokončiť zálohovanie.
- Opravená chyba zobrazenia cesty k obrázku.
- Initial release of the plugin. Now you see it.