

Tento plugin bol odstránený 22. augusta 2022 a nie je možné ho stiahnuť. Odstránené natrvalo. Dôvod: Požiadavka autora.


17. júla 2021
I want full control of my lists, so when i install this plugin it automatically creates a newsletter list with members I already have on my site, I don’t want that. Stop trying to guess what your customers want.
13. novembra 2019
This is a plugin that you should not use. Constantly only SMTP problems. Lastly, the plung goes into the „pause“ status, alleged SMTP error, but this is not true. The developers want to reach dmit only that you subscribe to your service to ship. We switch back to Mailster.
25. marca 2019
Since last update, I get an error message „données WordPress : [Unknown collation: ‚utf8‘]“… So I think it’s better for me to trash MailPoet. Don’t understand !! [new review:] I finally solved the issue. The line [define(‚DB_COLLATE‘, “);] was set to ‚utf8-general-ci‘ I restored it at its default value (“) then all rocks. The plugins works well now, but the its use should be more intuitive. Useful
19. februára 2019
I liked your plugin and used it for years. But the new build of plugin is terrible and version by version it falls down and down. Now we can’t use it in any of our sites at all, and want to come back to this version. Is it possible for us to use this version?
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“MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„MailPoet Newsletters (Previous)“ bol preložený do 22 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

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