Contact Form 7


Contact Form 7 is a plugin designed to be a practical tool for all WordPress users who embrace the philosophy of free and open source software. It employs sophisticatedly modularized architecture and its original Schema-Woven Validation technology.

Dokumentácia a podpora

Dokumentáciu, Často kladené otázky a detailnejšie informácie o plugine Contact Form 7 môžete nájsť na Ak ste nenašli odpoveď na vašu otázku v často kladených otázkach ani v dokumentácii, môžete tiež pozrieť fórum podpory na Ak neviete nájsť žiadnu tému týkajúcu sa vášho problému, jednoducho vytvorte novú.

Contact Form 7 potrebuje vašu podporu

It is hard to continue to maintain this plugin without support from users like you. There are several ways for you to contribute to the project: testing, coding, translating it into your local languages, helping other users, financial donations, etc, etc. We equally welcome you regardless of the way you contribute.

Oznámenia o ochrane osobných údajov

Pri predvolenej konfigurácii tento plugin ako taký:

  • nesleduje tajne používateľov,
  • nezapisuje žiadne osobné údaje používateľov do databázy,
  • neodosiela žiadne údaje na externé servery,
  • nepoužíva cookies.

Aktivácia niektorých funkcií v rámci tohto pluginu môže zahŕňať odoslanie osobných údajov odosielateľa kontaktného formuláru vrátane IP adresy poskytovateľovi služby. Odporúčame vám preto potvrdiť svoj súhlas so zásadami ochrany osobných údajov poskytovateľa. Tieto funkcie zahŕňajú:


  • screenshot-1.png


Tento plugin poskytuje 1 blok.

  • Contact Form 7 Insert a contact form you have created with Contact Form 7.


  1. Nahrajte celý contact-form-7 adresár do priečinka /wp-content/plugins/.
  2. Aktivujte plugin prostredníctvom obrazovky Plugins (Plugins > Installed Plugins).

Menu Kontakt nájdete na administrátorskej obrazovke WordPress.

Základné návody na používanie nájdete tiež na webovej stránke pluginu.

Časté otázky

Máte otázky alebo problémy s modulom Contact Form 7? Použite jeden z dostupných kanálov podpory.

  1. Dokumentácia
  2. Často kladené otázky
  3. Fórum podpory



9. januára 2025
This is the one plugin i used o my every wordpress site. its keeps getting better. However we would to see some more features like Calender and recapthca implementation with this form with ease.
3. januára 2025
Overhyped plugin simply because it is free. It is the ultimate barebones of a plugin that people find necessary. There are no features, customizing anything means you are either a) a programmer or b) have to email support (in which case good luck getting help, egos too big). Gets no updates, no features, no accessibility or UX improvements. You’re better off paying for a plugin than pulling your hair out to get it working as needed.
4. decembra 2024
Hello, For recaptcha It is not working for us since 2 years. we redesigned the website and it still not working. When someone submit the form he has an eeror message that the message could not be sent , or it still loading without submission. I am using the part „Integration“ on contact form 7 Thanks
26. novembra 2024
This free plugin is very useful and has done what it was supposed to do for many years. However, there are a few issues that are very annoying and a total deal breaker, if not a show stopper: Plugin creator did not comply with WordPress Codex regarding how translations are handled. Thus this plugin will eventually cause problems in a multilingual site. Forum support by plugin creator is very poor. He replies, yes, but his replies are a joke. He simply doesn’t care. He doesn’t read properly nor does he do any testing, even after providing everything he asked for. He is a time stealer. My personal resume: I will switch contact forms on all of my clients‘ sites. There are better alternatives out there. I am of course willing to pay for support. And this is my suggestion for @takayukister : provide paid support, if you think your time is too valuable, to give a useful reply or provide assistance with your free plugin. Or take that plugin offline or officially state that you won’t provide support at all and refrain from stealing people’s time by requesting non sense things and then ignoring them in return.
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Prispievatelia a vývojári

“Contact Form 7” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.


„Contact Form 7“ bol preložený do 67 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.

Preložiť „Contact Form 7“ do vašho jazyka.

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