Highlights search term (customizable colours), collects search analytics (privacy friendly), extends default search engine or disable search completely. WP Search Tools, brand new 2024 WordPress plugin, is a collection of useful improvements to the site search functionality if used or not.
Analytika vyhľadávania
Do you know what people search for on your website, actually?
WordPress core doesn’t store any statistical data, but the WP Search Tools plugin shows detailed insights about the history of searched terms. The Insights is a great analytics tool which tells you what users really look for. No personal data is saved.
There are 3 overviews:
1) All Users
2) Logged in
3) Guests (not logged in users)
Each overview data is represented by a graph and popularity lists.
The graph data can customized and exported either as an image (.svg or .png) or as a .csv file. Most frequent search terms are sorted by a date: ‚today‘, ‚last 7 days‘, ‚last 30 days‘, ‚this year‘, ‚overall‘.
Zvýraznenie hľadaného výrazu
In the search results page, the search term is highlighted with a smooth, eye-catching CSS animation. The highlight feature is activated by default.
User experience is enhanced and visual mark speeds up finding relevant information. Furthermore, highlight settings are customizable, both background colour and text colour can be set in the WordPress administration options page.
Rozšírenie vyhľadávania
Free version of the plugin extends the default search engine. It allows searching in custom post types, taxonomies, authors and meta data. All these data of the website are hidden to the basic WordPress search engine and cannot be reached via search functionality.
The results are ordered by relevance not post date. The settings can be customized to fit exact needs. It is possible to choose which post types, meta data or taxonomies should be included in the search.
Vypnúť vyhľadávanie
Plugin môže zabrániť WordPress-u spracovať požiadavky na vyhľadávanie zo stránky. Ak na stránke nepoužívaš vyhľadávanie, je dobré ho úplne zakázať. Formulár na vyhľadávanie je skrytý, ak je naň použitá štandardná get_search_form()
funkcia, požiadavka na vyhľadávanie hodí 404 chybovú stránku. Nastavenie je možné upraviť, môžete to zapnúť/vypnúť.
Kľúčové vlastnosti
- collects search terms what people look for
- displays graph with recent data
- zvýraznenie hľadaného výrazu
- sorts data according to the users (logged in, guests) and dates
- highlights the term if it has no results
- shows basic overview on the Dashboard
- extends default search engine with post types, meta data, taxonomies, meta data
- orders search results by relevance
- nastavenia sú prispôsobiteľné
- vypnúť vyhľadávanie
Automated Installation
Type ‚highlight search term‘ (best position in the results) into the plugin search and scroll to find the Search Tools plugin. When installed and activated, search analytics and highlight search term functionalities are immediately working for you.
Manual Alternatives
Alternatively, upload (e.g. via FileZilla ftp client) the Search Tools plugin files manually to your server into the ‚wp-content/plugins‘ folder.
Or download the plugin in a .ZIP format and upload via the WordPress plugin management administration page: ‚Plugins – Add New Plugin – Upload Plugin (button at the top)‘. If you need additional help feel free to contact the support.
Časté otázky
There are many WordPress search plugins. Why should I choose the Search Tools?
You are right. There are many tiny plugins, each solving some limitation of the default WordPress search. But we group together these features into the one plugin and extend them with extra settings and possibilities.
How do I find a plugin in search when I want to install it?
Type ‚highlight search term‘ (best position in the results) into the plugin search and scroll to find the Search Tools plugin.
Do I need to set anything after installation and activation?
Search ‚analytics‘ and ‚highlight‘ feature are enabled by default. If you want to extend the WordPress search engine, go to ‚Search Tools – Extend Search‘. If you wish to disable the search feature, check the setting in the ‚Search Tools‘ options page.
Is there a PRO version of the plugin?
It is! Premium version offers features like ‚Beautify Search URL‘, ‚Search Term Validator‘, ‚Promotions‘ and others. Check the PRO features website for more detailed information and pricing.
There is not many ‚active installations‘ yet. Why?
Search Tools is a new plugin, uploaded to the wordpress.org plugin repository in April, 2024. It passed all the security and best practises tests. The use is secure and the plugin is lightweight. Feel free to try it and the feedback is very appreciated!
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“Search Tools – Advanced Analytika vyhľadávania, Highlight, Extend, Disable” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„Search Tools – Advanced Analytika vyhľadávania, Highlight, Extend, Disable“ bol preložený do 2 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.