Note: This plugin still works but it doesn’t really contain any major features that the native Text widget is missing. The plugin is no longer in active developement.
This plugin adds a rich text widget where the content is edited using the standard WordPress visual editor which most users already are familiar with.
It uses the WP core function wp_editor() without adding a custom post type post for each widget making the widget quicker and simpler to edit.
Feel free to help with developement or issue reporting on Github!
- Angličtina
- Swedish
- German
- Danish
- More translations
- Extract the ZIP file and move the folder „wp-editor-widget“, with it contents,
in your WordPress installation - Activate the pluing under ‚Plugins‘ in the WordPress admin area
Prispievatelia a vývojári
“WP Editor Widget” je softvér s otvoreným zdrojovým kódom. Do tohto pluginu prispeli nasledujúci ľudia.
Prispievatelia„WP Editor Widget“ bol preložený do 8 jazykov. Ďakujeme prekladateľom za ich príspevky.
Preložiť „WP Editor Widget“ do vašho jazyka.
Máte záujem o vývoj?
Prehľadávajte zdrojový kód, preskúmajte SVN repozitár, alebo sa prihláste na odber vývojárskeho logu cez RSS.
Zoznam zmien
- Added support for WPML – Set the language for each Widget and only the ones for the current active language is output. (Thanks to @docryan)
- Added filter
– Makes it possible to change the full HTML output of the Widget through a plugin or a theme - Added action
– Makes it possibel to add custom form elements to the Widghet through a plugin or a theme - Added Scrutinizer code quality check for Github and made some changes to get better score
- Added Danish translation (Thanks to @docryan)
- Added German translation (Thanks to @ohaucke)
- Renamed the editor id to comply with WP Codex tips (Might help with Issue #3)
- Bugfix: Issue #8 – Filters for WP Editor Widget content wasn’t always loaded (since 0.5.0)
- WP Core Issue #27853 has been fixed in WP 3.9.1, this change makes sure that the fix from last version only is active on WP 3.9 and earlier
- Bugfix: Couldn’t switch to plain text on customize.php (Issue #27853)
- Bugfix: JS errors that could appear depending on if you loaded the editor in wysiwyg or plain text
- Bugfix: Didn’t store plain text widget content correctly
- This is a big change, please file an issue on Github if you find anything weird!
- Changes for WP 3.9.0 (editor now works on the admin customization page as well as on the admin widgets page)
- Most of the following changes thanks to @cfoellmann:
- Added filter
- Added filter
- Added action
- Removed constant variable textdomain
- Changed textdomain to wordpress.org plugin id name
- Split widget class into it’s own file
- Limited asset loading to widgets.php
- Changed PHP code style to WP standard
- Lowered the z-index of the WP Editor overlay modal because image buttons (in the editor) wasn’t showing because they had lower z-index (thanks nbspjr on WordPress.org https://wordpress.org/support/topic/edit-mediagallery-buttons-are-not-shown-1)
- Added standard WP functions wptexturize, convert_smilies, convert_chars, wpautop, shortcode_unautop, prepend_attachment, do_shortcode to the wp_editor_widget_content filter (thanks danieliser on WordPress.org https://profiles.wordpress.org/danieliser/)
- Updated the Swedish translation
- Moved load_plugin_textdomain() for translation to the plugins_loaded action to make sure the widget is correctly translated.
- Changed the name of the widget to „Rich text“ and the description to a less „techy“ text (thanks /u/actionscripted on Reddit http://tinyurl.com/lnm99yj) for a UI more similar to the core widgets
- Tested in WP 3.6
- CSS bug fix for hide button on WYSIWYG overlay
- JS bug fix on get and set wpeditor content
- Changed the WYSIWYG overlay button from „Update and close“ to a primary button called „Save and close“
- Changed so that the widget is saved when closing the WYSIWYG overlay
- Added pot translation file and Swedish translation (contact me if you wish to help translate, david.martensson@gmail.com)
- CSS fix for widget editor close button
- First stable proof of concept version.